Tuesday, October 20, 2009

UF Yesterday...

So we had our appointment with ENT yesterday. He suggests the best treatment for Joshua would be to take out his tonsils. HOWEVER... it would require cardiology and anesthesiology agreeing that he was able to handle having surgery.

We spoke last month with our cardiologist and he said Joshua isn't the best surgical candidate but sometimes the results of surgery would outweigh the risks.

So... we'll wait to see what they have to say and then make a decision on the best treatment.

We also discussed yesterday using CPAP. The ENT said CPAP is a treatment but since Josh is so young and thin that the surgery may be a better option. Having to sleep with a CPAP mask at 19 is a lot and is not a permanent fix. We're not sure surgery would be either, but we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm not sure what I think. I can see both sides of this. I'll be better able to decide what I think once we speak with Dr. A and the cardiology team. Our next appointment in Gainesville will be next month.

Thanks for thinking about us and checking our blog.

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